EU legislation made easy

makes defined terms, articles, other documents and latin phrases clickable

Get Eureka

For Chrome and Edge web browsers


Instantly look up defined terms whenever you meet them


Don't recall what Article 21, point 2 is about while reading GDPR? Click it and Eureka will sideload it.

Other legislation

Click on any legislation to jump to it.

Latin phrases

Not everyone remembers all the legal latin phrases, so we also made sure to include them in our clickfest

Deep dive down the rabbit hole of articles and definitions referencing each other

Few people enjoy the vanilla wall of text experience that reading EUR-LEX entails. Thus, armed with equal parts legal nerdiness and computer science expertise, we are determined to enhance the reading experience, aiming to boost everyone's legal proficiency.

  • Easy installation
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Customizable styling
  • Much more enjoyable experience

EU languages

Fully supported language

Languages with definition support

Happy users so far


Free Beta

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  • All features included
  • More languages added gradually


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  • All features included
  • More languages added gradually


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  • All features included
  • More languages added gradually

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have questions, suggestions or anything else, please let us know below.

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